Check In Items With Missing Parts

You can use the Special Item Check-In dialog box to check in multi-part items, such as DVD or CD sets, that are returned with missing parts, whether the missing parts are discovered before or after the item is checked in. A staff member checking in multi-part items is likely to discover the missing parts while the item still has a status of Out. But, if the library uses automated materials handling (AMH) units, a staff member may discover that parts are missing after the item has been checked in by the AMH and has a status of In.

The following permissions are necessary to check in items with missing parts:
Special item check-in:Access
Special item check-in:Select missing
Special item check-in:Select unavailable

To check in multi-part items that are returned to the library with a part or parts missing:

  1. Open the Check In workform, and select Tools > Special Item Check-in. The Special Item Check-in dialog box opens.
  2. Scan the item’s barcode or search for the item with the missing part.
  3. Select one of the following options:

The item's status is updated to Claim Missing Parts and it appears on the Claims view of the Patron Status workform. From this view, you can charge the patron for the missing part if the item is salvageable, or declare the item lost if it is not salvageable. See also: Manage Items with a Claim Missing Parts Status.

The item is blocked from being circulated.

A notice is generated. If the item's status is still Out, the notice is sent to the current borrower. If the item's status is In, the notice is sent to the last borrower. (If the last borrower is not available for an In item, a message appears and the item is not added to the dialog box).

Items with system blocks for missing parts can be checked in at any branch, and the block will be removed even if the item goes In-transit, Held, or Transferred before it is updated to an In status.